Which library do I use?


The Sasol Library is the main library and can be found on the Bloemfontein Campus. This library contains all the books for the Faculties of Economic and Management Sciences (including the Business School), Education, Law, Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Nursing, The Humanities, and Theology.

Books for the Faculty of Health Sciences (excluding Nursing) can be found at the Frik Scott Medical Library on the Bloemfontein Campus. The library is situated in the Francois Retief Building near the entrance.

The Music Library can also be found on the Bloemfontein Campus, at the Odeion School of Music. Acadmic music books, sound recordings (including CDs), miniature scores, journals, scores, scripts, and music DVDs are housed there.

On the Qwaqwa Campus, the TK Mopeli Library serves the library needs of the Qwaqwa Campus community.

On the South Campus, the Neville Alexander Library provides books for the University Preparation Programme (UPP). An online service is also provided for Varsity College students and staff with valid UFS credentials.

The UFS Libraries have a large collection of online resources. All library patrons with valid UFS credentials can access these resources.

  • Last Updated Jun 10, 2020
  • Views 184
  • Answered By Cornelle Scheltema-Van Wyk

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